Showing posts with label Fusha. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fusha. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

In Jordan - A Taste of Life In Jordan's Shamal

I arrived in a town close to Irbid on November 15 and learned that the following day would be the start of Leid l-Kbir, the grand feast celebrated by the sacrificial slaughtering of a sheep.  Because of all the festivities during Leid and with little to no public transit available, it meant that I would have to spend at least a couple of days in the volunteer's village.  I was no inconvenience for me; I was looking forward to the experience.

One of the reasons for traveling through Jordan and Egypt was to get a different taste of the Arab/Muslim World.  I was curious to see what if any similarities there were between the peoples of the Maghreb(West) and the Sarq al-Ousad(Middle East).  In Morocco, there was no question that they identified themselves with the Muslim World in terms of their faith, but when it came to ethnicity/heritage, some Moroccans were extremely proud of their Amazigh roots and saw the Arabization of the educational system as a continuation of Arab imperialism.  I had read in Peter Mansfield's A History of the Middle East that the Arab World was by no means a homogeneous bloc.  Political and cultural differences had existed for centuries.  Islam had unified the various tribes, but many of the cultural traditions that distinguished one tribe from the other continued.  I was hoping to see or experience these small subtleties.  I was also hoping to see how much of an impact Turkish rule had on the region.

Attempting to speak with the locals

I arrived in Jordan hoping that I could put to use a bit of the Moroccan Colloquial Arabic I had learned.  When I arrived, I was happy that I could pick out the numbers, but even the numbers sounded differently.  The /t/ for "Tom" used in tlata (three) or tlatin in Morocco was now replaced by the /Ө/ "th" for "think" and was now thlatha or thlathin.  The Moroccan juj for the number two was now ithnayn. I heard more "g"s in the place of the hard back-of-the-throat "q" sound. Instead of kif dayr for "how are you", I was now being greeted with a kayf f Halk or an even shorter kayfak.  Words like nishan for "straight" or aji for "come here" that have Amazigh/Berber roots were completely absent.

At the cafe and restaurant, I wanted to order a ns ns or half and half (Moroccan cappuccino) and some aatay (tea), but Jordanians would ask me, "What is it that you want half and half of and there is no such thing as aatay, but we do have chay".  For coffee, they either had 3adi (regular/normal) or wasit (medium) and those two options just told the waiter how much sugar to put.  I had to stick to root words and the few words of Fusha that I knew to get around, but even my pronunciation of those standard words was off.  When I asked for sugar (skkar), they would correct me by saying sukkar.

When addressing someone, I had used khouya (my brother) or sidi (my dear sir) to get someone's attention.  In Jordan, I heard more sadiqi (my loyal friend), sheikh (chief), and the Turkish basha (a title for a distinguished govt.official).

When scoping transportation options, telling someone maHtta (Darija word for station), I was told, will get you to the police station not the bus station. For the bus station, I had to use mujemma.  And to find out how much anything was, bshaHal got me blank stares, but gddesh got me the price.  Chnu for "what" was just chu.  Sometimes some people noticed my delayed reaction to their price offer and were kind enough to write the price out for me, but they would write it in Arabic numerals, which I never used in Morocco.  Saying the French tren for train, tobis for bus, or tomobil for car that are commonplace in Darija had to be replaced with the Fusha equivalents except for bus, which was just bus.  I could go on forever on how the dialects differed.  It was interesting because I could halfway understand what people were saying, but only a few could understand what was coming out of my mouth.  Fortunately, volunteers were there to fill in the gap and I am sure the exchange baffled Jordanians.  Here was this Arab-looking guy asking someone who was clearly a foreigner to speak on his behalf.

A volunteer I had met in Amman the night before and I left the city sometime late morning and took a Hijazi bus for less than 2JD to head over to Irbid where I would be meeting two more Peace Corps volunteers. We got off at Irbid's Amman Station and hopped on one of the many passenger vans/small buses that circled the city. We got off at University St, which was home to a long strip of restaurants, cafes, cybercafes, and shops. It looked like if anything happened in Irbid, it probably took place on this strip. We chilled out at a snack shop while the other volunteers arrived. I tried a few of the shop's specialty mojeena, a baked pastry with a variety of different fillings. I got a cheese one, one with meat, and another with spinach.
Gender Expectations: Similar and Different

The volunteers filled me in on their experience.  It was nice to a get a female perspective on the topic.  I was curious to find out how conservative Jordan was in comparison to Morocco.  Attire-wise, I did see more burqas and more niqabs than I had seen in Morocco, but I also saw a great number of ladies strutting their stuff with form-fitting western wear, high heels, full-on makeup, and a classy or flashy color-coordinated headscarf.  I told volunteers that I had worked primarily with women during my service and they were surprised that I had that much freedom to interact with the opposite sex.  Then I asked them about their service and all of them told me that they were working as TEFL Teachers or as Special Education Counselors,  but I was surprised to learn that all their classrooms were segregated and that in some cases girls and boys went to different schools.  That certainly was not typical of Morocco; most classrooms were integrated.

What took me most by surprise was our goodbyes.  I was ready to shake the hand of the female volunteer who had made all the initial contacts with other volunteers and had given me a wealth of travel tips, but when I extended my hand, she left me hanging and just waived goodbye.  Apparently, even a friendly shake could be misinterpreted by the locals.  That incidence, though, was indicative of how my experience in Jordan would be.  This moment when we exchanged a friendly conversation with a female was a rare moment; most of my time would likely be spent in the company of men.

Mi casa es su casa Jordanian style

So I arrived in a male volunteer's village later on.  We were invited to several households to have coffee and tea.  In one instance, we were invited to a colossal feast featuring Jordan's famous mansef.
Mouth-watering Mansef

The dish has an unleavened bread base that is then covered with a layer of a saffron-flavored rice-n-roni that is then topped with a seasoned, baked chicken with roasted peanuts and then doused with a tangy, yougurty broth.  I gorged on the food and exhaled a hamdullah(Thanks be to God).  It was a feast to remember.

Applying the tangy broth
I wanted to thank the cooks who had made this fabulous meal, but this was out of the question.  Even in Morocco, I sometimes did not meet the female members of the family until the 3rd or 4th meal(Three Meals Later) so I wasn't taken aback by it.  It was interesting, however, that in the few days I spent in the shamal (north) and visited a couple of homes,one in particular twice, I had no interaction with females.  That in most parts of Morocco would have been rare even for a foreigner.

Me and some FC Barcelona fans
Our male hosts treated us wonderfully.  I felt welcomed and I learned a great deal about the male side of Jordanian culture and etiquette.  They shared their love for football and we exchanged tid bits about our respective life experiences.

Coffee with town elder
They were curious to hear about my two years in Morocco.  They wanted to know if it was a nice place to live, how was the climate and food, how were the people, and if I had enjoyed my time there.  They were also eager to learn about Venezuela and my opinion on the controversial Venezuelan President, Mr. Hugo Chavez, a darling of the Middle East.  We spoke in a mix of English and Arabic.  Fortunately, the volunteer's friends were all sympathetic interlocutors.

I must say that after spending a few days in a village in the shamal when a Jordanian would tell me marhaba (welcome) or ahalan wa sahalan fik (Loosely translated, it means, "May you arrive as part of the family, and tread an easy path (as you enter)*, I felt that they really meant it and they went to lengths to show me that they did.  In terms of hospitality, Moroccans and Jordanians are neck and neck.

To some, chilling out in a village may seem like a waste of time given all the amazing sites and natural wonders in the world, but to me, observing the dynamics of village life, tasting the homemade cuisine, and talking with the locals are immensely satisfying and absolutely fascinating.  I've been fortunate to be the recipient of some of the finest hospitality imaginable both from Jordanians and from volunteers.  Their insight, connections, and assistance in helping me with the rest of my trip was invaluable.  I hope I can one day return to the favor to fellow sojourners.

*Translation source:

My journey through the Holy Land continues.  Next, I'll share a bit of my experience walking through the Holy City of Jerusalem.  A guide is a nice handy reference, but I got tons of info from Jordan's own tourism site:

They also have a lot of great pics and pdf files you can print out.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Language and Identity: The U.N. Weighs In on Morocco

There's been an interesting development in what I like to call Morocco's language and identity conundrum.  The U.N's Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination issued a statement calling on Morocco to recognize Tamazight as an official language.  It's a remarkable piece of good news for the Imazighen.  International recognition is sometimes needed to exert pressure on those who hold the purse strings or serve as the regulatory gatekeepers.  I'm impressed by the Amazigh lobby's audacity to present its case to a much wider audience.  This pronouncement may just be one of many to come and may not reach its full potential, but it is nonetheless noteworthy. Speaking to the "international community" may help recruit more advocates and funding.

The Kingdom seems to be in agreement with promoting Tamazight through the newly formed Institut Royal de la Culture Amazigh, but some within the Amazigh community may feel that progress is much too slow.  From what I can understand, a number of recommendations were presented to the committee who then endorsed certain provisions.  I mentioned earlier in my first Language and Identity blog that there were activists pushing for the constitution to be written in Tamazight.  I don't think that option was presented, but the one granting Tamazight official status in the constitution was and the U.N. has agreed to back it.

Another issue that I have heard come up often among those closely aligned with their Amazigh roots is the restrictions on the issuance of names.  Currently under Moroccan law, Amazigh names are not permitted because they do not fall within what a judge deems to be "Moroccan".  The Amazigh argue that Amazigh names are Moroccan and that their names are more Moroccan than those sanctioned by the state, which tends to favor Arab names.  Recommendation #7 addresses this issue, which should shine more light on the law and perhaps lead to a restoration of Amazigh names.  It's bizarre to me that a government would burden itself over something like names, but it just goes to show how issues of identity are entrenched in Moroccan society and manifested in government policy.  I have not seen an official response from the government on the recent requests on Maghrebia as of yet.  I got the article from the Morocco Board News Service.  It is still fairly new.  Who knows?  Maybe these recommendations by the U.N. will bolster their claims and accelerate a redress to their demands.

One thing is for sure.  These "requirements" as the article states are bound to arouse a lot of debate about what Morocco,was, is, and will be.  The conundrum continues.


Washington / Morocco Board News Service - On August 27, 2010 , at its seventy-seventh session, the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CRED) examined the reports submitted by Morocco in accordance with Article 9th of the UN Convention.

The Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CRED) of the United Nations has issued the following requirements from Morocco.

1 – To provide information on the composition of its population, the use of mother tongues, languages commonly spoken, and other indicators of ethnic diversity, and any other information from targeted socio-economic studies, conducted on a voluntary basis, in full respect of privacy and anonymity, so that the committee can evaluate the situation of the Moroccan population economically, socially and culturally.

2 – To enshrine in Morocco’s constitution the principle of the primacy of international treaties over domestic legislation, to allow individuals to invoke in Moroccan courts the relevant provisions of the Convention.

3 – Add a provision in the Moroccan criminal code for those crimes committed with a racist motive to be considered as an aggravating circumstance of racial discrimination.

4 – To step up its efforts to promote the Amazigh language and culture and its teaching, and to take the necessary measures to ensure that the Amazigh people are not victims of any form of racial discrimination.

5 – To consider the inclusion in the Moroccan Constitution of the Amazigh language as an official language and also to ensure that the Moroccan government literacy efforts are done in the Amazigh language.

6 – To put special emphasis on the economic development of the areas inhabited by the Amazigh people.

7 – To clarify the meaning and the scope in its legislation regarding the concept of " the Moroccan character of given names " and to ensure full implementation by the local administrations of the Moroccan Ministry of the Interior March-2010-circular relating to the choice of first names, to ensure the inclusion of all names, especially the Amazigh ones.

8 – To revise the Moroccan Nationality Code to allow Moroccan women to transmit their nationality to their foreign spouses on equal terms with men of Moroccan nationality.

9 – To take necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the Family Code uniformly throughout the national territory and to protect the most vulnerable categories of its population, especially women and children living in remote areas, who can be victims of double or multiple discriminations.


Monday, September 6, 2010

Language and Identity: Are Catalan and Tamazight in a Similar Struggle?

Last week I wrote a bit about my journey through the maze of languages present in Morocco. I wrote about how moving from one language to another or incorporating, for instance, more French in Darija can change people's perception of you. As I reflect even more in these listless days of Ramadan, I realize that Morocco is not alone in this state of flux.

The debate is out on whether encouraging or allowing other languages or dialects to thrive foments dissension.  If the country's administration is a control-freak, then it can certainly look that way, but if it applies a more laissez-faire approach, it may find that it has more to gain culturally and economically in the long run.

In my last trip to Europe, I found out that some parts of Italy and Spain are in a somewhat similar predicament to Morocco. When I visited my friends in Italy, I found out that although Italian is the predominant language of all Italy, there are a number of dialects that are widely spoken. My friend had just moved from the south of Italy to Rome and expressed difficulty understanding the Romans who he said were not speaking Italian but some sort of Roman dialect. When I hopped over to Barcelona, I was greeted with a mix of Spanish and Catalan. I found Catalan written on all the buildings, street signs, city maps, and restaurant menus alongside the Castilian Spanish (castellano) equivalent. At a party, I could speak Spanish to anyone there, but as soon as I'd finish the conversation, that person would turn around and speak Catalan to his/her friends. In Matarò on the Costa Brava near Barcelona in the Autonomous Region of Catalonia, I got to hang out with a Dominican family who had migrated there a little over 5 years ago. Their son who came to Catalonia at a young age told me that he was already fluent in Catalan. I asked him about his classes. I was curious to know about the effect of the reinstatement of Catalan as the official language of Catalonia on the educational system. He told me that he is taught every subject from math, sciences, and history in Catalan. He is taught Catalan as the primary language. Castilian Spanish still forms part of his core classes, but it is regarded as a second language only to be studied and used within that class. He also has the option of a third language as an elective for which he chose English.

His father who has been living there for over 7 years told me that he hasn't even attempted to learn it.  His reasons are that everyone can understand his Castilian Spanish just fine and why would he learn a language that is only spoken in one region of the country. His sentiments sound similar to the Moroccans who can't understand why I have devoted so much time to Darija when it is only understood in the streets of Morocco and only vaguely understood in much of the Arab world. According to one of my Catalonian friends from Barcelona, he said that after the death of Franco--a fierce nationalist dictator who took over after the Spanish Civil War and went about repressing many dialects and languages while making Castilian Spanish the predominant tongue--a lot of dialects and languages have experienced a renaissance. It's unclear where this rebirth of languages will lead. It certainly changed my perception of Spain from a homogeneous Castilian Spanish speaking country as I was taught in primary school in Venezuela to what is really a linguistically heterogeneous country of many languages and dialects.

Flag of Catalunya
Like the Moroccans who feel more attached to their Rifian, Tamazight, Tashelheit, and other native languages, many Catalans feel that it is imperative to speak the language, to promote its use, to teach the language in school, and to gain recognition politically because the language is not just a tool for communicating, it defines who they are, what they believe, where they come from, and how they perceive the world--for a recent article on language and perception, check out this link from NY Times, Does Your Language Shape How You Think?.

From an economic standpoint, one could argue that it is a waste of time and resources to learn a language that is not widely used. I remember thinking back in high school that I wanted to learn French rather than German because according to my textbooks, there seemed to be more parts of the world shaded in as francophone countries than there were for German.  I justified my choice thinking that it would be more likely for me to use French than German in my future professional career or for traveling. If I was to look only through that lens considering only the present state of things and disregarding the past and the future, I would posit to Catalans and to the Amazigh that indulgence in their respective languages is detrimental to their economic success. I would ask why they would push for use of a language when Castilian Spanish is the lingua franca in their country and in much of Latin America. I would ask some Moroccans why they would seek to teach Tamazight when nearly everyone around them speaks Darija and when the demand for French, English, or Spanish is growing as the country continues to liberalize their economy.  From an outsider's point of view without much background on how Catalan and Tamazight had been suppressed, it would seem that those advocating the use of their language are living in the past and perhaps jeopardizing their future.  What is difficult for many outsiders to understand is that they have a different view of the future shaped by their native language that sees new economic opportunities.

Singing English with El Cuatro would sound a bit discordant
When I look at the debate through my own personal experience with my struggle to hold on to my native castellano, I can sympathize with their feelings.  When our family moved back to the U.S., I was eager to learn English so that I could make friends and survive in school. I was only ten years old when we made the move. Fortunately, my brain at that time was in absorb-and-repeat mode rather than in need of conjugation or other grammar rules, and I was a lot cuter back then so mistakes were regarded as funny rather than potential offenses as they are sometimes perceived now. Consequently, as I learned more English and was surrounded by an anglophone environment I slowly began to lose the fluidity of my Spanish, and with it; I also began to lose a part of who I was.

One example that I think illustrates how my Spanish language upbringing shaped my perception is apparent in how I feel about the game of baseball.  For example, when I first arrived to the U.S., I could narrate a baseball game in true Venezuelan fashion describing every movement and every finite detail in dramatic form giving every pitch, swing, steal, double play, and home run a plot that would crescendo to a climax and would conclude with commentary about the angst or elation that the player must have felt at the end of the play. Bear in mind that all of this is spoken at spitfire, breakneck speed--if you have the opportunity to hear a Spanish language broadcast of a Major League Baseball game, you'll see what I'm talking about.

This play by the great Omar Vizquel would
most certainly bring a shower of beer
The game of baseball takes on a different light in Spanish, and I was forgetting this. The Latin American Spanish narrating drives people to a frenzy while the U.S. narration of the game is slower, more relaxed, with lots of statistics, and definitely not as colorful. I totally understood why my girlfriend could not watch a game with me. In my mind, I still heard the voices of the broadcasters painting every play in typical melodramatic telenovela style.

When I go to a U.S. ballpark, I always feel something is missing. People would drink their beers at U.S. stadiums; in Venezuela, you bought some beers to drink and others to spray the crowd after every big play, most certainly after every home run, and even more so after a win. Even today, if I have the choice of a Spanish or English broadcast, I always choose Spanish. Why? Because to me, the frenetic Spanish language broadcast describes the game in such a way that it makes me reminisce to my days playing street ball in my old barrio neighborhood. The baseball game is the same for both the anglophone and Spanish-speaking public, but their views of the game, the passion, the anxiety, and the excitement are felt and exhibited in different ways.

I believe Catalans and Amazigh would feel the same way about their poetry, their music, and other means of artistic expression. Translating it would take away much of the beauty. Suppressing the language would be a form of suppression of expression. Having to describe their world in a language that originated somewhere else under a different environment and different social structure would perhaps distort, be insufficient, or incompatible with their current understanding under their native tongue.

When the repression of the Catalan language was lifted, Catalan re-emerged and its emergence did not dampen its economic prosperity; quite the contrary, Catalonia was and continues to be one of the most affluent of the Spanish autonomous regions.  Catalan literature, poetry, radio, film, newspapers, and other forms of media came out into the open and were welcomed by the Catalonians.  The absence of Catalan print was a suppressed demand.  Could this also be the case for Tamazight language?  It could very well be.  So actually from an economic point of view, it may be that promoting Tamazight may have the effect of generating more domestic economic activity as the local population now has media that speaks to them and speaks for them.

If I had a vote in this matter, I would vote for both the Catalonians and the Amazigh to continue to promote their languages. Variety is the spice of life. I don’t think Tamazight is confusing the kids. It’s probably confusing them now because the pedagogy, still in its inception, is confusing, but in time, a sound curriculum will be developed, inchallah. Differing worldviews and forms of expression are needed and I believe there is plenty of room for them in our global village.


Here's some additional reading from Maghrebia, a tri-lingual online news portal on everything Maghreb, that speaks to the struggle of Amazigh in gaining recognition.

Amazigh rights issue pits Moroccan Berbers against Islamists

Here's another article.  This one comments on the drive to improve the pedagogy of Tamazight.

Activists call for qualified Amazigh language instruction

As for language resources, if you plan to be in Catalonia, picking up a few words will earn you some brownie points from the locals.  Colloquial Catalan: A Complete Course for Beginners (Colloquial Series)

Lastly, just to give you a taste of Venezuelan narrated baseball, check out this YouTube video of a couple of home runs hit by a couple of players from Los Leones contra Los Magallanes during the final playoff series:

Monday, August 30, 2010

Language and Identity: Finding My Darija Self

When I was confirmed for a post in Morocco over two years ago, I thought, "Great, I'd finally get to put my three years of high school French into practice."  After all, Morocco, according to my old French language textbooks, is one of those countries on the world map that is completely shaded in showing the extent of the French language around the world.

When I applied to the Peace Corps, I did state a preference for North or West Africa.  I was looking forward to enhancing my limited French-speaking skills, which at that time consisted of speaking Spanish while contorting my mouth to an "eu" sound and adding a nasal tone to every word.  I got by when I vacationed in France so I hoped that I would have the same luck in Morocco.

Soon after accepting my post, I got a chance to speak to the Desk Officer for the Mediterranean region about some of the tasks outlined in my NGO Development Volunteer position.  She told me that my French would come in handy, but that I would be learning darija.  I thought, "What! I never heard of darija?"  But wait, I read that Morocco is a francophone as well as an Arabic-speaking country, right?  I asked the desk officer if I should start studying a little Modern Standard Arabic (Fusha) and I was told that it could help, but that I still wouldn't be speaking Fusha with the locals--what a bummer and I had just purchased a Learn Arabic in Three Months book from Berlitz.

Then, she said something even more surprising.  She said that if I work with women weavers in the Atlas Mountains that I may be learning a Berber dialect that is only spoken in a particular region.  But how could this be?  My French textbook has all of Morocco completely covered, not with a whole bunch of blotches here and there.  A French teacher at my old high school confirmed that during a month-long excursion in Morocco that she had no problems getting around using her French.  She reassured me that I would indeed use my French.  I didn't know who to believe.  Surely, the Peace Corps officer must be right.  How could I not believe my old French teacher? Did the textbook publishers get it all wrong?

I decided to do a little research of my own.  I learned that the lingua franca is darija (Moroccan Arabic) for most of Morocco, but that French is still the predominant language of business and of higher education, Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) is the language of government, Classical Arabic is the language of religious practice, and that there are large pockets in the Atlas and Rif Mountains and in much of the south where different Berber dialects like Tamazight, Tarifit, and Tachelheit take precedence over darija.

Shortly after confirming my post, Peace Corps sent all the future Morocco volunteers a brief 20-page survival booklet of Moroccan Arabic words accompanied with audio, which gave me my first taste of darija.  I compared it to the Modern Standard Arabic that I had already learned in three months (not really, but I did go through a few lessons), and noticed that they sounded like they were related, but still considerably different.

Usually, in these moments of utter confusion, I try to find some sort of reference point in my brief past that I can draw parallels to.  I scoured my brain for something similar, but there were very few links.  Growing up in Venezuela, I was taught Spanish (Castellano to be exact) in school and we spoke Spanish at home.  Every region of the country pronounced things a bit differently, had words that were only in use in that area, or had a different cadence to their speech, but for the most part, we understood one another almost completely wherever you went.  There is street slang that I have to learn every time I visit, but even its use is infrequent and sometimes looked down upon as lewd or uneducated.

Like Venezuela, here in the U.S. English is pronounced slightly differently in the north than in the south, there are words that are more or less in use in certain areas, and there are definitely various cadences.  The U.S. has some small pockets where various groups of European, Asian, or African descent heavily influence the main language, but their dialect or use of their language of origin remains fixed to that location or region.  Those small language enclaves I had visited in the U.S. and Venezuela were the only thing I could roughly match to the Atlas and Rif Mountains' enclaves that continue to speak their language despite repeated incursions from various empires, dynasties, or colonial powers.

My Moroccan tutor was surprised to learn that I found it odd that there would be a language that is widely spoken, but not written and that there would be different languages in use for business, religious teachings, and for official government communication.  He knew that the U.S. did not have a similar system in place, but he thought Venezuela or other Latin American countries would.

Our mutual astonishment is grounded in our upbringings.  I grew up in two cultures where there was one predominant language for all.  He grew up in an environment where he learned to speak darija from his parents and everyone around him, was taught to read and understand Classical Arabic from his religious studies in school and at the mosque, started to write MSA also from primary school on, began learning French as a second language at school as well, grew up hearing both French and MSA in Moroccan television broadcasts, and upon graduating from high school switched over to the French-based university curriculum.  He also grew up watching television broadcasts from other Arabic-speaking countries that had, like Morocco, a spoken, but unwritten dialect.  He knew that Venezuela was colonized by the Spanish; so like Morocco the colonial tongue would have a big influence on the country. However, he thought that perhaps some of the indigenous languages had survived and had created something similar to their darija.

His questions made me even more curious about how the two cultures I grew up in had somehow established a single, dominant language.  I thought of Venezuela's past and how it came to be colonized.  Fray Bartolomé de las Casas recounts in his Short Account of the Destruction of the Indies details how vibrant indigenous population were overrun by zealous Spanish explorers in search of treasure and Christians who sometimes offered salvation of the soul at the edge of a sword.  Those who didn't run deep into the bush became wards who were then put to work in the plantations or in search of the mythical Sierra Dorada.  Some members of the priesthood were more amicable than others and taught the indigenous population Spanish and other sciences, but for the most part the Crown's interest was not in educating the populace, but to extract the country's riches to fund its ongoing wars.

In addition to guns, swords, and other supplies, the Spaniards brought over a number of diseases that the indigenous population had little immunity to; as such, the indigenous community began to die off in the thousands.  The colonial powers were focused on gold, but later realized that most of the land could yield large sums of money if properly cultivated.  To replace the indigenous folks, they began importing people from Sub-Saharan Africa.  

The Spanish colonizers mingled with native and black women who were regarded as property and concubines, and soon a large population of different shades of brown began to emerge.  Black male slaves also took native women as wives.  In many parts of Latin America, there were five prevalent categories of people that emerged: peninsulares (from the Spanish peninsula), criollo (per Oxford Dictionary, a person from Spanish South or Central America, especially one of pure Spanish descent), mestizos (per Oxford again, a man of mixed race, especially one having Spanish and indigenous descent), indios (indigenous), and negros (black).  Where one fell in this spectrum entitled one to certain rights and privileges such as: access to land, credit, education, inheritance, or even one's outright freedom. There were clear advantages to bearing children with certain groups of people. 

With such pressures to assimilate, the languages and spiritual practices of indigenous and African groups were regarded as inferior or uncivilized.  The only way to climb the social ladder was to refine one's castellano (Castilian) and to marry up to a whiter shade or as close as possible to a direct descendant of Spain or of another European country.  To some extent, this manner of thinking still lingers in the minds of many Venezuelans and other Latin Americans, and it's sometime reflected in entertainment media and in language.  The colonial legacy that brought with it great technological advancements also brought disease, a social stratification system, and a religion that combined had the effect of nearly exterminating indigenous and African languages and culture in many Spanish colonies.

(To get more background on the similarities and differences between the Spanish and English approach to colonization, I recommend Juan Gonzalez's Harvest of Empire: A History of Latinos in America.)

The U.S. had a somewhat similar start.  The Europeans that settled in also brought a host of diseases that wiped out large segments of the indigenous population, large waves of migrations from Europe forced indigenous people further inland, and later wars and forced removal decimated their numbers even further.  Then, upon being cornered into various territories, the U.S.  government put in place a forced assimilation policy.

The Africans that arrived in the slave trade to replace the indentured servants or the Native Americans that fled the encroaching colonists slowly began to forget their languages and spiritual practices as generations passed.  Some plantation owners of European descent also forced themselves onto native and African women or were concubines thereby creating different shades of brown folk; however, unlike Latin American social stratification systems based on ancestry and colorism, the U.S. in the late 19th century and through Jim Crow made law a "one-drop rule" that essentially said that if one of your ancestors is black or you have a single drop of black blood, then you were black. 

Sometimes I wonder if this is the reason why there's perhaps a bit more solidarity among the African American community as compared to the Caribbeans and Latin Americans of mixed descent and perhaps why remnants of their influence on the English language, diet, and the manner by which they practice various forms of organized religion still persist today and are more pronounced than in former Spanish--the subject of a future research paper:-).

When I briefly summarized over several hundred years of history to explain how the Spanish colonists had established the colonial language as the lingua franca in Venezuela and how in the US the concept of Manifest Destiny believed by many forced Native Americans and their languages into smaller confines, my tutor shared a bit of Moroccan history.  He said that the Berbers or Amazigh people had been in what is now considered Morocco and much of north and western Africa (Maghreb) for centuries.  The Phoenicians established ports and the Romans came and went, but the Berbers remained.

Then came the expansion of the Islamic Empire around the 7th century, which brought Arab culture and Islam to the Amazigh.  The empire established itself as the authority in many urban centers, but left the mountain folk pretty much on their own.  Arabic being the language of the Koran (i.e. considered to be the language of God) became the language of the intellectual centers of the Maghreb (Name for the region encompassing what is now known as Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, and Mauritania).  Mosques and Koranic schools were built across the country, but from what I've read or what I've been told thus far there was no concerted forced assimilation policy to eradicate Tamazight, Tarifit, or Tachelhyt or Shilha.

I also have not read about any epidemic or forced migration that wiped out large segments of the indigenous populations.  Ali, my tutor, told me that white, black, or brown, are all considered equal in the eyes of Allah (God).  Regarding Arab administrative control, the history and culture pages in my Rough Guide to Morocco stated that some of the Berber tribes put up a resistance to fend off Arab control, but then years later Berber kingdoms and dynasties were the ones who were claiming to be following the straight path, established control in the Maghreb and as far as Al-Andaluz (Southern Iberian Peninsula), and built prominent centers of learning to promote Islam.

Sometimes I wonder if the geography of the region with its mountainous terrain had something to do with the preservation of Amazigh languages and traditions.  That's possible--in Venezuela, the few places where indigenous languages are heard are in its dense forest regions or other rough terrains that the colonizers did not dare go into or left alone out of laziness.  Did the religious scriptures have an effect on how those spreading the faith treated its new converts?  Maybe.  The expansion of the Islamic Empire seemed different than the colonial expansions into the Americas.  

Some comparisons can be made between the colonial expansions of France and Spain into Maghreb territory and that of the Americas, but it seems as if their incursion was not as ruthless.  My Rough Guide to Morocco said that the French and the Spaniards came to put in place their administrative structure on the people of the Maghreb.  The French did institute a policy to proselytize the Berbers in the hopes of gaining converts and therefore allies, but from what I've read thus far it did not do it at the edge of a sword and the project failed miserably.

Abdelkader Ezzaki from the Faculté des Sciences de l'Education of Université Mohammed V presenting a speech at the World Congress on Reading in 1988 said that the French exerted influence on the educational system (not that there was a huge infrastructure to speak of) making French the primary language and downgrading Arabic to a second language.  Similarly, the French did try to control the mountainous region, but they were rebuffed by coalitions of Amazigh tribes who fought to remain independent and uphold their language and traditions.  The Rough Guide continues by saying that the French argued that their expedition to the Maghreb was a mission civilisatrice or civilizing mission, which sounds quite noble from a Western point of view, but it was more a rationale to promote the Westernization of the people.  However, years later a unified nationalist movement soon replaced their brief ruling stint.

Upon gaining their independence from France and Spain, the nationalist movement in Morocco reformed the educational institutions, but its efforts could only go so far.  Asserting that the newly formed Kingdom of Morocco was an Arab state, it began a process of arabization that changed government communication from a mix of French and Arabic to MSA and restored the status of Arabic in the school system as the primary language.  Business with France continued with little disruption.  However, without much of an educational infrastructure before or even after the protectorate period, many Moroccans aspired and still do for the opportunity to study abroad in France or in Europe.

There is still a lot of debate among Moroccans about the arabization process.  One of our language and culture facilitators (LCF) told me that the government's implementation of the reform was poorly executed and has left students unprepared for university studies that are mostly conducted in French.  Another LCF pointed to the lack of printed or even electronic texts of the latest scientific research in Arabic.  In most cases, most of the new scientific research is produced in English for which a French copy can be found in most cases, but an Arabic copy is usually unavailable.  Furthermore, because France is still Morocco's number one trading partner, having poor French-speaking skills can severely limit one's employment chances. 

Amazigh Flag
To add even more complexity to the language conundrum, a rise in Amazigh pride has gained prominence in the political front.  These groups have called for reforms in the educational systems.  With the support of the government, they created a Tamazight language curriculum, and they have pushed for more acceptance of the language in various media outlets.  I remember one time sitting next to my ten-year old host brother who was doing some homework at the time.  I asked him if I could peruse through his school books, and he nodded with a smile.  He had a mathematics workbook in Modern Standard Arabic, a  language workbook with passages of the Koran in Classical Arabic that he was required to trace and recite, a French language book that was all in French even the instructions, explanations, and definitions, and lastly a Tamazight language book also entirely in Tamazight.

As far as media outlets go, the Institute Royale de la Culture Amazighe inaugurated a new Amazigh language television broadcast not too long ago.  One time while chilling at a cafe in Immouzzer Kandar, a stronghold of Imazighen pride, I got the chance to speak with a journalist who stated that he was in favor of Amazigh activists who were proposing having the constitution and other official government communiqués translated into Tamazight.  Ordinary citizens and organized groups are continuing to push for more recognition of the various Amazigh languages and with more awareness about their efforts, I can only see their movement expanding.  

For most foreigners, the language mix in Morocco seems indecipherable.  Almost two years in and I still can't figure out what some people are saying to me.  Because of my Arab look, I usually don't get the patiently pronounced darija that some of my fellow volunteers of European or Asian descent get; instead, I get confused looks, and an exasperated and impatient darija.  Even after explaining that I am an American and that I'm learning Arabic, most of the locals still argue that I must be Moroccan, have Moroccan parents, or have Arab roots somewhere.  They may be right.  Who knows? My mestizo bloodline might have some.

Some people, upon noticing my dazed look, switch to MSA right away because naturally they think that as an Arab-looking person, I must be able to understand MSA or since I said that I was studying Arabic that I undoubtedly would be studying MSA.  When I tell people that I'm not Moroccan or from another Arabic speaking country, they automatically switch to French because the official second language in the country is French and I must have received some French-language training in order to work in Morocco.  When I tell them that I'm learning Moroccan Colloquial Arabic (darija), they in turn give me another confused look and ask why.  When I explain that I am working with a community of artisans, they ponder the response, but are still confused as to why a university graduate would devote time and energy to a language that is not written, but just used on the street--what I just described above is what I usually encounter with every new person I meet and as you can imagine this getting-to-know-you process can get exhausting.

As soon as I hired my tutor early in service, I practiced this one phrase saying that one of my goals during my two years was to speak darija fluently, which goes something like "bghit ntkllm lugha l3rabia bttallaqa.  It's an impressive feat for any volunteer that does and those that do, without a doubt, get royal treatment from Moroccans.  As I progressed in service, I gained a decent competence of basic verbs and phrases of darija and got some Fusha words to impress my listeners from time to time; however, when I stopped studying on a regular basis for a variety of reasons, I began to rely more and more on my broken French.  With newspaper and media outlets available in French language and easy to follow French language resources available on the net, I began to devote more time to refining my French.  I even exchanged English lessons for French lessons on pronunciation.  My counterpart noticed that I had reached a darija plateau and saw that I was devoting more time to French; so, she began making use of her French with me more so than before.

It felt good not to be stressing about not finding the darija or MSA word for what I already knew in French.  We got work done.  The delegate at the artisana appreciated my French-language reports.  When I ran into strangers, instead of explaining the who, what, how, when, where, and why of my odd situation, I switched to French when I couldn't find the word and immediately people would switch to French thinking that I was another Moroccan émigré.  I felt bad that my darija was slipping, but I felt I was moving forward faster on goal number one of Peace Corps: to provide technical expertise to our host country nationals.  I did feel that by not telling my story to the everyday stranger in darija that I was perhaps faltering on goal number two: to help promote a better understanding of the American people on the part of the peoples served.  However, I justified my new emphasis on French by thinking that it was welcomed more because I could do more.  

I did not make a complete break from darija to French.  I still used the darija I learned during the intensive language training and with my tutor, but I would rely more on French.  Coming from a background where my mother emphasized maintaining the purity of the Spanish language rather than incorporating the spanglish of some of our more assimilated Latino friends, I felt that I was corrupting both French and darija.  Even though darija is basically a mix of French, Tamazight, Spanish, and MSA, I still felt I should remain true to it and use the darija or MSA equivalent when at all possible.  

Then, in September of last year exactly a year into service, I got to spend sometime in Rabat and got a chance to talk it up with Rabatis and Cassawis at an event sponsored by USAID called the Forum de la Société Civile that exposed me to a different type of darija.   At first, when I heard various participants speak in the general forums, I was surprised that these educated individuals could not complete a full darija or MSA phrase without injecting some French into it and vice versa.  I thought surely the French language purity dogma had made it across the Mediterranean and into the predominantly francophone Moroccan university system, but there was no strict adherence.  The entire forum carried on as such.  On my downtime, I revisited the old cafes and boulevards that had once seemed so strange and intimidating and just listened to the hustle and bustle of the street that was now somewhat understandable.  I realized how heavy in French the Rabati darija was.  Yet, it wasn't like they would stop to search for the appropriate French or darija/Fusha word to complete a sentence. No, instead, the French and Fusha was intertwined into a darija that was distinctly theirs.  Some would even roll the "r"s in French words rather than pronounce them with the classical hard, raspy back of the throat sound.  After that week in Rabat, I didn't feel as guilty anymore about corrupting either language, but then I began to think about the image that I was giving off by not making the effort to speak darija or to insert the proper MSA word in absence of a darija equivalent.

I asked some of my town friends and colleagues to give me some feedback on my darija.  Some thought that I sounded much like the Moroccan émigré who perhaps grew up or has been living abroad for quite some time and has forgotten a great deal of his/her darija.  Others said that they regretted that I was not working to improve my darija or expand on my MSA.  A few friends said that they were disappointed that I had not learned Tamazight well.

After hearing their opinions, I asked them to explain their opinions.  Some said that by not learning to speak darija well that I was missing out on getting to know the culture, the sayings, the jokes, and the Moroccan camaraderie.  Knowing more MSA would let people know that I'm a scholar of the Arabic language and would raise even more eyebrows because most foreigners that come to work or travel through Morocco speak French.  My Amazigh-pride friends told me that Tamazight in all its forms is the original language of the people of the Maghreb, not Arabic.  They acknowledge that Arabic is the language of Allah, but they don't necessarily believe that they should shelve their language.

Some of the older generations who studied under the French protectorate system can speak French quite well, but as the colonial tongue, they somewhat resent its use.  Young people I've spoken to at dar chababs, youth centers similar to Boys and Girls Clubs, who are influenced by Western mass media don't mind using French, and some are extremely eager to learn English to improve their employment opportunities.  Their answers to my questions reflected the long history of conquest and reconquest by various empires, dynasties, and colonial powers.  Their suggestions reflected their affiliation to their culture of origin.  There was no general consensus just a lot of pros and cons from different people who share a nationality, but have different backgrounds and experiences.

Here I am delivering a brief account of my work in Darija.
It felt like the longest 5-minutes of my life.
As I near the end of service, I didn't reach my goal of speaking darija bttallaqa (fluently), but I am not disappointed.  Just like Morocco is a big mishmash of languages, I feel that my language competency reflects this mix.  I can't complete long statements in French without inserting some darija or some MSA words, and vice versa.  Then again, there is no single darija.  Just like Venezuela and the U.S., each region has its cadence and places emphasis on certain sounds and syllables.

Darija is a living dialect. I'd say it is a language incorporating the words of the region's early inhabitants, those who have come and gone, and those of its neighbors.  Interestingly, when I started allowing my French to mix with my darija in seamless fashion, I began to be complemented on how well I could speak darija.

The other day I couldn't help but smile when I heard my counterpart, who has been working with U.S. American volunteers for the last eight years, use English words in the middle of her darija discourse to explain some of the concepts of Camp GLOW (Girls Leading Our World) to some of her coop members.  French like Spanish is encountering a flood of English words.  Last time I was in Rabat, I heard English words pronounced with a French accent to describe some business jargon.  Could English be the next language to be added to the long list of languages that are part of the Moroccan language soup?  Who knows?

For those volunteers or foreigners that are on their way here, I wish them luck in deciphering Morocco's language matrix.  It's going to be difficult at first so don't beat yourself up.  Moroccans themselves are trying to figure it out.  Enjoy the linguistic journey.  There will be ups and downs, valleys and plateaus, and contemplations about who you are and what your use of language portrays.  At the end of the day, most Moroccans will admire and applaud your effort to join them on a journey that they know all too well.  Pay close attention to their advice.  You won't learn overnight.  On a long journey like this one, you have to take it swiya b swiya (little by little).


I have a few links posted in my "French and Arabic Language Resources" side column that offer free Fusha and darija (Moroccan Colloquial Arabic) lessons.  If you have a few dollars to spare, buy a copy of the Al-Kitaab series, which is by far the definitive guide for learning Modern Standard Arabic.  You may not ever speak it in the street, but it will come in handy for reading and for attending official government meetings.  Good luck!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Learning darija: I speak in gaffes

Now that the official training is done, the real learning now begins. My fellow site mate working at a dar chabab, youth center, introduced me to a great guy who speaks English tremendously well who I've decided will be my Arabic language for the next 12 months, God willing (inshallah). He also happens to run a small sandwich shop that makes some killer sandwiches. His name is Ali, but everyone calls him Mister Ali, and his deli is named Snack Ali. We have lessons on the weekends at a local cafe. Right now, we’re in the process of rehashing my old lessons, correcting pronunciation, and finally putting all the disparate vocabulary and verbs into coherent sentences.

Couscous Fridays with the whole fam
I thought I’d share some of my language gaffes for everyone’s enjoyment. I laugh at myself all the time along with those willing to hear me out. I thought I might be pretty successful as a stand-up comedian in Morocco. My family is always asking me to say the most mundane of things at least two or three times and every time they crack up laughing. I’ve had a difficult time pronouncing some letters and will often confuse similar sounding words. So here’s a list of things I’ve said. I hope you enjoy it:

  1. At the end of a meal, one way to stop the incessant calls to keep eating is to say “May God replenish you”, which in transcription would be written something like this: llah y-xlf. In my futile attempt to sound local I ended up running everything together and saying something in the neighborhood of “God is green pepper”, which is pronounced as llah flfla. My tutor worked with me on the Arabic ح , which is sometimes represented by a combination "Kh" or "X" showing me how I needed to almost rev back as if to clear my throat.  I have finally gotten down the God phrase, but for joke’s sake still include flfla so after every meal I tell my family “May God replenish you with green peppers” or llah y-xlf b flfla.
  2. I was eating some olive oil with some fresh out of the oven bread for a snack one time and decided to share a bit of scientific fact I had remembered from my days watching the Discovery Health channel, which I also miss minus the gory surgeries. I wanted to tell my family that olive oil is good for the heart so I told them, "zit zitun mzyan l  l-klb," as I pointed to my heart. When I said this, my host father and host mother gave a me strange, bewildered face, and my host brothers laughed.  He then proceeded to bark followed by the transliterated word klb and the qlb while pointing to his heart. He did this a couple of times so that I could understand the difference in pronunciation.  The Arabic ق otherwise represented by the Q in English is a /k/ sound that is produced much farther back in the throat.  Thank goodness for context.  As you may know, dogs in most Islamic countries are considered to be impure animals not generally kept as pets.  As you can imagine, I am extra careful now telling people they have a good heart.
  3. Over the course of the last several weeks, I've been confusing the following words: mosque, Friday, university, and association. In transliteration, they are, written in the same order, the following: jam, jma, jama, and jamiya. As you can see, they're all in the same neighborhood so it's easy to forget which one you need to use at any particular point in time.  In fact, in setting up meetings, I’ve ended up telling people, “The meeting will be on the mosque at 10AM on the university, and please ask your Friday to be there.” Then I wonder why people don’t show.

This is all I have for now. I’m sure I’ll have some more in the near future. When I come across others, I’ll remember to share it with yall.


If you'd like to hear and learn the Arabic alphabet, you can do so by visiting these two links: