Mouhsine is one of the most chill individuals I know. I enjoyed hanging out with him, drinking tea with him in his boutique, and just talking about anything that came to mind. From my travels through Morocco, I would have to say that out of the countless thuya-woodcarving shops I walked in and out of in Essaouira, one of the biggest woodcarving centers, his creativity and attention to detail are unparalleled. I have had the chance to watch him create a piece from conception. His careful planning and solid execution are admirable.
Mouhsine finally allowed me to post some of his materials because he would like one day to travel abroad to other woodcarving or contemporary art expos. Off the top of my head, I don't know of any expos in the U.S. or in Europe that would welcome his work. If you do, please send them my way. Like many artisans in Morocco, much of their amazing work goes unnoticed. We hope this site will get Mouhsine a little attention, which will hopefully lead to more opportunities in the near future.
The site was created with the intent to promote his work and not necessarily to sell (an e-portfolio of sorts); however, if you're interested in purchasing one of his sculptures, you can contact him directly if you speak French or Arabic or visit his boutique at the Ensemble Artisanal Bab El Mkam in Sefrou. For more info, please click on the Contactez-moi page .
At the moment, he does not have a catalogue available. Some of the pieces in Mes Sculptures have names. You could use those names to inquire about a price. If you'd like to have an item shipped, DHL and FedEx service is available, but they run about 750DH a kilo or nearly $100 p/kilo. Poste Maroc, the national postal service, is fairly reliable and will run about a third of what DHL and FedEx would cost you, but will take 2-3 weeks time to deliver anything and there have been instances where the delivery never arrives at its destination. For a list of their rates, please visit and search under the "Vos Envois des Messagerie" @
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P.S. I copied and pasted most of the text on the site from an old brochure that the previous Sefrou PCV made for Mouhsine. My French is such that I can understand what the brochure is saying, but I can't tell you if it's grammatically correct. For all you native French speakers, if you see something out of place, please let me know. I and Mouhsine will be extremely grateful and as we say in Morocco for all good deeds done out of the kindness of your heart, llah yrHm l-walidin (May God bless your parents).
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